Garviel Loken – A Saga of Loyalty and Betrayal

Garviel Loken’s life was a tale etched in blood and honor during the galaxy-shattering Horus Heresy. Born under the ashen skies of Cthonia, a hive-world of gang law and strife, he was forged by hardship into a warrior without fear. Recruited into the XVI Legion – the Luna Wolves – Loken embraced the Emperor’s Great Crusade, rising swiftly through the ranks on the strength of his courage and conviction.

His features were pale and scarred, his demeanor steady and thoughtful, marking him as a son of Cthonia but one with a rare humanity that even impressed Primarch Rogal Dorn. In an age of conquest, Captain Garviel Loken stood out as a loyal blade of the Emperor, destined for both greatness and tragedy.

Rise of a Luna Wolf

Loken’s prowess earned him command of the Luna Wolves 10th Company, and with it a place in Warmaster Horus Lupercal’s inner circle. He was invited to join the Mournival, a council of four captains who advised Horus and balanced each other’s tempers.

There, Loken’s calm wisdom offset First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon’s fiery rage and Little Horus Aximand’s cold cunning. In these glorious days of the Great Crusade, Loken fought at Horus’s side across the stars, winning renown in countless battles. He remained grounded despite the accolades; to Loken, duty and truth were paramount, and he often spoke his mind bluntly – just as Dorn had encouraged him – even if it meant questioning his Primarch.

During one fierce compliance operation on the world of Sixty-Three Nineteen, Loken faced what would haunt him as a first whisper of incoming darkness. Amid the swampy Whisperhead Mountains, one of his squadmates, Sergeant Xavyer Jubal, succumbed to a terrifying force and became possessed by a warp-spawned entity calling itself Samus.

Loken battled the misshapen, daemonic monstrosity that had been his friend and put it down with righteous fury, but the experience shook him deeply. The Imperial Truth he had been taught – that there were no gods or demons, only superstition – faltered in that moment. Though victorious, Loken rode away from the Whisperheads with a shadow of doubt, the first seed of mistrust toward the unseen powers influencing their crusade.

Warmaster’s Shadow

In time, Horus Lupercal was elevated by the Emperor to the title of Warmaster, and the Luna Wolves were proudly renamed the Sons of Horus after their gene-father. Loken, however, still called himself a Luna Wolf at heart, holding to the old Legion ideals.

As Horus’s power and ambition grew, Loken noticed subtle changes in his Legion. Warriors gathered in secret lodges, whispering oaths unknown to the Emperor’s creed. The beloved Warmaster himself began to brood with uncharacteristic solemnity.

Loken’s unease only deepened during the expedition to the advanced human civilization of the Interex, where a strange anarchic incident – the theft of a xeno-crafted blade – soured newly made friendships. This blade later reappeared on the moon of Davin, wielded by the Word Bearers Chaplain Erebus in a treacherous ambush that mortally wounded Horus.

As Horus lay dying, Loken and his comrade Captain Tarik Torgaddon frantically searched Davin’s swamps for answers. They discovered the poisonous blade was of Kinebrach make, a weapon stolen from the Interex by Erebus’s deceit.

Too late, they realized the extent of the Chaplain’s betrayal and the trap that had been sprung. Horus’s followers, desperate to save their gene-father, had already carried the Primarch into a native Davinite temple, the Temple of the Serpent Lodge.

Loken argued against these arcane resurrection rituals, sensing foul play, but his warnings went unheeded as Erebus and dark powers intervened to corrupt Horus. When Horus emerged healed, his body bore no mark of injury – yet something fundamental had changed.

Loken saw a colder light in his Primarch’s eyes and felt the Warmaster’s old warmth slip away. From that day, Horus kept his once-trusted captain at arm’s length. Garviel Loken – ever loyal to the Emperor – was becoming a stranger amid his own brethren.

Horus soon led the Legion into a brutal campaign against the Auretian Technocracy, ostensibly to avenge a slight during his recovery. For ten grueling months of war, Loken followed orders, but he watched Horus prosecute the campaign with uncharacteristic ruthlessness. Innocents burned and cities fell to make a bitter point.

By the end, Loken’s face looked visibly aged by disillusionment. He confided in Tarik Torgaddon his fears that Horus was no longer the man they’d loved and followed. Unbeknownst to Loken, the Warmaster had already made a fateful choice – to forsake the Emperor and embrace the dark pantheon of Chaos. And for Horus to succeed in this heresy, those like Loken who would never turn traitor needed to be removed.

The Istvaan III Atrocity

Horus set his grand betrayal in motion at Istvaan III, feigning a rebellion on that world so he could purge his own Legion of the remaining loyalists. Captain Loken was marked for death as “too loyal to the old ways”.

He and Torgaddon, along with loyal elements of the Sons of Horus and several other Legions (World Eaters, Death Guard, Emperor’s Children), were sent in the first wave to assault the rebel cities. Once planetside and engaged against the supposed enemy, Horus unleashed a surprise barrage of virus bombs onto Istvaan III’s surface.

In moments, a pale death fog swept the lands, killing troops and civilians alike in hideous agony as their flesh liquefied. Loken’s unit, warned by Emperor’s Children Captain Saul Tarvitz, managed to take shelter just in time to survive the initial bombardment. Emerging onto a corpse-choked wasteland under skies of fire, Garviel Loken understood the awful truth – they had been betrayed by their own gene-father.

But the survivors would not die easily. Rallying in the ruins of the Precentor’s Palace, Loken, Tarvitz, and Torgaddon gathered all loyal Astartes they could find and fortified their position. With solemn resolve, Loken declared that they were Luna Wolves once more, rejecting Horus’s new title and embracing the Emperor’s light in their final stand.

Outnumbered and abandoned, they fought with the fury of the righteous. Horus, enraged that any lived, sent Abaddon, Aximand, and the mass of the traitor Legions down to finish the job in person. What followed was slaughter: brother against brother in the ashes of a dead world.

Loken battled desperately, chainsword roaring as he reaped a heavy toll on the treacherous Sons of Horus who swarmed the palace grounds. He even faced his former battle-brother Abaddon in single combat amid the rubble. The First Captain, clad in black Terminator plate, struck Loken with overwhelming force.

Nearby, Loken saw Horus Aximand – who had once laughed with them in the Mournival – cut down Tarik Torgaddon without mercy. Grief and rage lending him strength, Loken wounded Aximand, avenging Tarik’s death in part, but Abaddon was upon him an instant later.

In a final brutal exchange, Ezekyle Abaddon smashed Loken to the ground, leaving him bloodied and broken. As Loken lay amid the bodies of friend and foe, orbital bombardment began – Horus’s final solution to erase all remaining loyalists on Istvaan III.

The palace walls crumbled and the ground heaved. Buried in collapsing ruins and blanketed by fire, Garviel Loken was finally silenced. Horus believed none could survive that apocalypse, and in orbit the traitors hailed the purge a success. The last obstacle to Horus’s ambition – or so they thought – had been removed.

A Legion of One

For a long time, there was only darkness and death. Istvaan III became a mass grave of Astartes, a charnel planet left behind as the Horus Heresy burned across the galaxy. But months later, a solitary figure stirred beneath the ruins.

Astoundingly, Garviel Loken still lived. By some cruel miracle he had endured, emerging into a desolate world of ashen bones and wreckage. With no allies left and sanity fraying, Loken wandered the corpse-fields alone. He could not even recall his own name – the trauma of betrayal and survival rendered his mind a shattered mirror.

In his delirium, he believed himself a ghost or a guardian spirit damned to remain on Istvaan. He took to calling himself “Cerberus,” the lone watchman of the dead, convinced that he was the last loyal Space Marine in the galaxy. In this broken state, Loken became a Legion of One, waging a mad one-man war against any scavengers or traitors who dared tread upon the ashes of his brothers.

It was at this bleak juncture that Nathaniel Garro arrived. Garro, a former Death Guard Captain turned agent of Malcador the Sigillite, had been tasked to find a “single warrior” on Istvaan III – a final recruit for a secret mission.

Garro’s retrieval team landed on the ravaged planet, discovering the half-feral Loken prowling the Choral City’s ruins. Mistaking Garro’s grey armor for that of Horus’s traitors, the deranged Loken attacked with ferocity, and Garro was hard pressed to hold him off.

The duel of blades and bolter flashes only ended when Garro spoke words of faith and brotherhood that pierced Loken’s madness. He addressed Loken by name – Garviel Loken. At the sound, the haze lifted from Loken’s mind and he finally remembered himself. Overcome by the truth, Loken knelt amid the dust and accepted Garro’s outstretched hand.

The Emperor still had a purpose for him. Garro revealed that Loken was the last warrior Malcador needed to complete their team – a band of Imperial loyalists drawn from traitor Legions, who would act as the Sigillite’s secret agents. With solemn resolve, Loken left Istvaan III behind, the ghosts of his fallen brothers watching as he ascended to the stars to continue the fight in the Emperor’s name.

Knight-Errant of the Imperium

Restored in body and mind, Garviel Loken swore himself to Malcador’s service as one of the Knights-Errant, an elite cadre of Space Marines chosen to undertake clandestine missions during the Horus Heresy. Donning unmarked grey battle plate, Loken set aside past grudges – for a time – to focus on the larger war for humanity’s survival.

His first mission sent him to the Dark Angels’ homeworld of Caliban, alongside his old Luna Wolf comrade Iacton Qruze. There, Loken infiltrated the Order’s fortress-monastery to gauge the loyalty of Lion El’Jonson’s Legion. Captured intentionally, Loken was interrogated by the regent Luther himself, and he discovered that the Dark Angels were riven by uncertainty – Luther did not even know where he stood in the greater Heresy.

With help from a mysterious robed Watcher in the Dark, Loken escaped his cell, but during the getaway Qruze brutally executed a Calibanite guard who might actually have been loyal to the Emperor. This unnecessary killing horrified Loken.

After all the fratricide on Istvaan, the thought of slaying a potential ally – a fellow loyal servant – was too much for him to bear. Disillusioned by the grim necessities of Malcador’s covert war, Loken returned to Terra and sought solitude.

Haunted by memories, Loken secluded himself in an abandoned biodome of the Somnus Citadel on Luna, tending a quiet garden amid the madness of galactic war. Here he hoped to heal his scarred soul. In the stillness, he was visited by a phantasmal echo of Tarik Torgaddon – his jovial friend slain at Istvaan.

Whether this was a true spirit or a figment of Loken’s conscience, Tarik’s message was the same: Remember your oath. Loken had sworn, as a member of Horus’s Mournival, to protect the Imperium and serve the Emperor above all else, even above any Primarch. That pledge remained, though the Mournival was gone.

Galvanized by his friend’s memory, Loken realized he could not abandon the fight. There were great evils yet to thwart, and only he could right certain wrongs. He left the garden determined to rejoin the Sigillite’s cause, telling Qruze he was ready to do what was necessary for the sake of humanity.

Malcador soon called upon Loken for a critical undertaking. Horus was rumored to be seeking a terrible power on the world of Molech, and the Sigillite devised a bold plan in response. Loken joined a team of Knights-Errant dispatched to infiltrate the Vengeful Spirit – Horus’s own flagship – ahead of a planned strike by the Primarch Leman Russ.

Sneaking aboard the immense battle barge, Loken felt a chill at walking the corridors he once strode as a Luna Wolf. Unfortunately, the mission went awry and the team was discovered. Loken was brought in chains before Horus himself in the vessel’s grand throne room, Lupercal’s Court.

There stood the Warmaster, the man who had been as a brother and father to Loken, now swollen with dark glory. Abaddon and Little Horus Aximand flanked their liege. Horus regarded his former captain not with wrath, but with a cruel smile of reminiscence.

He offered Loken a final chance: return to me, Garviel, Horus beckoned, promising forgiveness and restoration if only Loken would kneel. For one heartbreaking moment, Loken wavered – to be Horus’s son again, to undo the nightmare of the Heresy, it was all he had wanted.

I was never a Son of Horus. I was and remain a Luna Wolf – a proud son of Cthonia, a loyal servant of the Emperor, beloved by all. I am your enemy.

- Garviel Loken to Horus

But then he remembered the Emperor’s light and the simple truth he and his fallen friends had defended. He recalled the words of the remembrancer Euphrati Keeler, who had inspired his faith in the Emperor’s vision. Clarity hardened in Loken’s mind. He looked Horus in the eye and answered with defiance:

“I was never a Son of Horus. I was and remain a Luna Wolf – a proud son of Cthonia, a loyal servant of the Emperor, beloved by all. I am your enemy.”

With that valediction, Loken rejected Horus utterly. Enraged, Horus unleashed his vengeance. The Knights-Errant drew weapons and a vicious melee erupted in the throne room. In the chaos, Horus himself struck down Iacton Qruze, obliterating the old Luna Wolf who had stood with Loken.

Loken roared in fury as his last link to his Legion was severed. He fought like a man possessed, determined to make Horus pay for every atrocity. Though the Knight-Errant strike team was outmatched in the heart of the enemy flagship, they succeeded in their objective – planting teleport beacons that would guide Leman Russ’s incoming assault.

As explosions rocked the Vengeful Spirit, Loken was blown into the void of space, cast out by the sudden decompression of a hull breach. It would have been a lonely death, but the Emperor still had plans for Garviel Loken. A rescue craft, the Tarnhelm, snatched him from the freezing darkness. Loken lived to fight another day, carrying with him the pain of Qruze’s loss and a renewed vow: he would never stop fighting Horus.

In the final days before Horus reached Terra, Loken continued to serve in Malcador’s shadow war. He fought alongside Battle-Captain Garro, Merrik Varren of the World Eaters, and others to quell a Chaos cult uprising on Luna and Terra itself.

In one harrowing encounter, the daemon known as “the Lord of the Flies” possessed Varren’s body. Rather than kill his ally, Loken helped Varren wrest back control just long enough for the World Eater to sacrifice himself and banish the entity. Such trials steeled Loken further.

Shortly thereafter, Malcador the Sigillite gathered all nine of his Knights-Errant in a secret chamber beneath the Imperial Palace. In the Emperor’s presence, it was revealed that these nine – loyal Astartes from Legions that had turned traitor – were to form the founding core of a new Space Marine Chapter, dedicated solely to combating the forces of Chaos that had now been unveiled.

Each warrior was asked to abandon his old name and past, to be reborn as a Grey Knight, an unyielding sentinel against the Warp’s evils. Malcador intended for Garviel Loken to take the new name “Crius”. Yet when Loken gazed upon the Emperor himself in that dim hall, he finally understood his path.

Others would take up that secret war, but his fate lay on the battlefields of Terra, facing Horus’s legions head-on. Loken humbly refused the great honor of becoming one of the Grey Knights’ founders. He could not cast aside the name of Loken, nor his duty of vengeance.

With the Emperor’s blessing, he departed to rejoin the front lines, determined to defend the Imperial Palace to the last and personally reckon with the traitors who had destroyed his Legion.

The Siege of Terra and Vengeance

When the Warmaster’s forces finally arrived at Holy Terra, Garviel Loken stood with the defenders in the planet’s darkest hour. He had his armor repainted in the pure white of the Luna Wolves, discarding the grey of the Knight-Errant – a symbolic return to the identity of the Emperor’s loyal wolf.

In those final battles, Loken was everywhere on the walls and in the trenches, a whirlwind of bolter fire and whirring blades. He fought not with despair, but with a fierce resolve, as if every strike repaid a debt to his fallen brothers.

In the siege’s early phase (the Solar War), Loken personally thwarted a Chaos plot involving his old remembrancer friend Mersadie Oliton and the reappearance of Samus the daemon. Confronting Samus once again – the same creature that had possessed Jubal years before – tested Loken’s sanity.

He nearly succumbed to the “Cerberus” fury inside him while battling the daemon, but with Oliton’s sacrifice the Warp creature was banished back to the void. Loken pressed on, scarred but unbroken, knowing the ultimate confrontation loomed.

As the siege intensified, Rogal Dorn selected Loken to lead a critical counterstrike during the assault on the Saturnine Gate. The Sons of Horus attempted a subterranean breach of the Palace, tunneling under the defenses to outflank Dorn’s lines. Who better to send into those dark tunnels to ruin Horus’s plan than the vengeful Luna Wolf?

Gathering a kill-team of hardened loyalists – among them Nathaniel Garro and other former Knights-Errant – Loken ambushed the traitors in the depths below Saturnine. In the bloody close-quarters fighting that followed, years of fury were unleashed.

Loken tore through the Sons of Horus ranks with righteous wrath. He personally slew Captain Tybalt Marr, one of Horus’s black-armored commanders who had exulted in the Istvaan massacre.

Then, at long last, Loken came face to face with Horus Aximand, the man who had murdered Tarik Torgaddon. The two former brothers met with an explosion of chainsword and power sword. Aximand – “Little Horus” – fought desperately, but he could not withstand Loken’s hate and sheer will.

With a final revving slice, Loken eviscerated Aximand, ending the life of his fellow Mournival member and avenging Tarik’s ghost at last. The victory was bitter but cathartic; Horus’s most loyal sons were falling one by one, repaid for their treachery.

Loken’s relentless defense and these acts of retribution became the stuff of legend among the besieged. Those near him swore his eyes shone with an echo of the Emperor’s own light as he fought. Even Kyril Sindermann – the iterator-turned-scholar who had once guided Loken – noted that Loken seemed almost a conduit for the Emperor’s wrath.

As the battle for Terra raged on toward its apocalyptic climax, Garviel Loken never faltered. He remained on the front lines, his once-white armor now scarred and dust-grey, still proudly bearing the Luna Wolf snarling on his shoulder.

In the fiery final hours of the siege, he hunted traitors through the shattered halls of the Palace, determined that if he lived through the day, no enemy of the Emperor would stand behind him.

When the Emperor finally confronted Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit and ended the war in a blast of godlike power, Loken was not at the Emperor’s side – but he had already played his part. Thanks in no small measure to warriors like Loken, Horus’s armies were crippled and countless lives were saved from the flames.

In the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, as the traitor legions retreated into the hellscape of the Eye of Terror, Garviel Loken stood as one of the few sons of the Sons of Horus Legion who had remained utterly true. He had lost brothers, comrades, and even his Primarch to the madness of Chaos, yet his faith in the Emperor never swayed.

Some say that after the siege, Loken slipped into anonymity, his duty done, perhaps aiding in the Scouring (the great purge of the remnants of Horus’s forces) or lending his wisdom to the newly formed chapters of the reformed Imperium. Others whisper that such a battle-scarred soul could not find peace in a galaxy still rife with war. The full chronicle of Loken’s life after Terra is left to speculation – fitting for a man who became a legend.


What is known is that the saga of Garviel Loken became an inspiration to generations of Imperial servants. His name, once thought lost on the killing fields of Istvaan III, was whispered with reverence by those who knew of his deeds.

Loken embodied the purest ideals of the Space Marines: unyielding loyalty, personal honor, and the courage to do what is right even when betrayed by those dearest to him. From the shadow of Horus, he emerged as a beacon of fidelity to the Emperor’s light.

Garviel Loken’s journey – from proud Luna Wolf, to betrayed survivor, to avenging Knight-Errant – stands as one of the Horus Heresy’s most stirring tales. It is a story of one man’s refusal to forsake his oath, and of the vindication that even in an age of treachery and chaos, loyalty and honor would ultimately prevail.


The article is based solely on official lore from the Warhammer 40,000 universe as presented by Black Library (Games Workshop). Key events in Garviel Loken’s life are drawn from the Horus Heresy novel series – including Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames, and the Siege of Terra novels – and officially published background materials.

Garviel Loken – A Saga of Loyalty and Betrayal
Garviel Loken – A Saga of Loyalty and Betrayal